Tamtron’s Board decided to change Lahti Precision Oy’s name to Tamtron Precision Oy on 20 April 2023. The National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland (PRH) registered the company’s name change on June 14, 2023.

If your company does business with Lahti Precision Oy, we ask that you change the company name in your business system to Tamtron Precision Oy as soon as possible.

The name change does not affect Tamtron Precision Oy’s business ID, contact information, or personnel.

So, our address and Y-ID are still the same as before:

The name change does not affect the operations of Tamtron’s Lahti business unit. Still, Tamtron Precision will continue developing, designing, and delivering weighing and dosing systems for industrial use and related life cycle services.

The changes will help our customers in everyday business when we can meet their needs with a broader offering under one clear Tamtron brand. The change also enables our customers to have a better level of service, availability of spare parts, and utilization of the competence portfolio. Our familiar experts continue to serve in all industrial weighing and dosing matters.

Our old email addresses will remain unchanged for the time being.

Your current contacts will serve you as usual and are available if you have any questions about the change.

Thank you for your understanding and our partnership.